If you are an older Christian, you may remember that old time preaching was mostly from the King James Version of the Bible, translated in 1611. One of the principle duties of the preacher was to read the Bible and then give definitions of words that were no longer familiar. One such word is steward


Jesus told Nicodemus, a teacher of the Jews, that to enter the kingdom of God he “must be born again!” How could this be possible? He asked how could he being old enter the second time into his mother’s womb to be born? Jesus explained the mystery: “Unless a man be born of the water


How to live peaceably with each other: 1. Treat others like you want to be treated. Mt 7:12. 2. Turn the other cheek. Mt 5:39. 3. Overcome evil with good. Rom 12:21. 4. Give others the benefit of the doubt. Prov 18:17. 5. Do not jump to conclusions or make false assumptions. Mt 7:1. Ja


“Practice What You Preach,” they say, meaning we should do as we teach to others. One young preacher in his new ministry feared he would be run out of town. His older friend said: “Don’t let that bother you. Abraham Lincoln said he would not like it either, but for the honor of it!” The


Chapter 1: JONAH RUNS FROM GOD. He escaped from his assigned duty by going in the opposite direction. He slept in a storm at sea, the only preacher on record who admitted: “I am your problem, so get rid of me!” The mariners prayed (not to their gods, but to Jehovah). It seems he converted


Man’s law approves homosexual marriage. God’s law says marriage is one man and one woman till death separates them, and that the sexually immoral shall not go to heaven (Gen 2:18-24; Eph 5:20-33). Man’s law says do not preach the gospel, but wait for others to ask you about it. God’s law says “go preach


“Learn to co-exist… don’t hate the people who live a different way or who believe that another way is right for them. Quit trying to control others…” This Facebook writer represents the way of the world: “Let me live the way I want. Don’t bother me.” Perhaps this is your own granddaughter or grandson? The


“Man is destined to die once, and after that comes judgment” (Heb 9:27 NIV). All shall be raised from the dead and stand before the Great Judge of all the earth and give an account of “all deeds done in the body, whether good or bad” (Rom 14:12; 2 Cor 5:10). All the dead shall


Preacher Walter Scott introduced a “five finger exercise” about 200 years ago. He would find some children playing and ask them to hold up five fingers. He then asked them to name each finger after a topic from Acts 2: 1 Believe, 2 Repent, 3 Baptism, 4 Remission of sins, 5 Gift of Holy Spirit.


The only one qualified to stand between God and man is Jesus. Anyone who claims to mediate between you and God, other than Jesus Christ, is a usurper, a false teacher. There is ONLY ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN … and He is JESUS. “For there is one God and one mediator between God